Single-Molecule Spectroscopy Laboratory
Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University
Principle Investigator
I-Ren Lee 李以仁
Ph.D. Chemistry, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 2011. (Advisor: Dr. Ahmed H. Zewail)
M.S. Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, 2000.
B.S. Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University, 1998.
Associate professor, National Taiwan Normal University, 2020-present.
Assistant professor, National Taiwan Normal University, 2014-2020.
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 2012-2014. (Advisor: Dr. Taekjip Ha)
Postdoctoral fellow, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 2011-2012. (Advisor: Dr. Ahmed H. Zewail)
Graduate Students
Ph.D.| 倪丞緯 |
Master | 連冠豪 | 王鴻仁 | 鄭凱駿 | 陳彥霖 | 陳思妤 | 魏軒晧 | 古芝綺
M.S. 2016 | 許顥頤 | 呉佳諭 | 秦志皞 | 黃子芸
M.S. 2017 | 倪丞緯 |
M.S. 2018 | 丁建棋 | 魏語潔 | 陳巧穎 | 沈洋逸
M.S. 2019 | 謝文昊 | 陳謙 | 黃堃愷